Getting on a flight is a rare experience for most of us ever since the pandemic hit. Nevertheless, there are still a few people who have the opportunity to take to the skies.
However, have you ever thought how the crew would make the announcements if there was only one passenger onboard?
First-class flight service!
A man named Alex Svanevik was the only passenger on a flight to Singapore on September 24.
When he got onboard, the cabin crew surprised him by addressing him by name in all of the announcements.
The pilot makes all announcements starting with ‘Mr. Alexander”
‘100% true and 120% surreal’
Alex also shared a video of the announcement upon his arrival to Singapore to prove that it was all true.
In the video, the cabin crew addresses him by name before giving information about Singapore’s weather and local time.
Good morning, Mr. Alexander. Welcome to Singapore. The local time here is 6:27 in the morning.”
He described the experience as “100% true and 120% surreal”.
Alex also wrote that the plane was scheduled to fly regardless of the number of passengers onboard, adding that he is not “single-handedly f**king up the planet here”.
Naturally, this story shared gained massive attention online with many poking fun over his flight experience.

Do you wish you had such top-notch in-flight service? Or have you experienced something similar? Tell us in the comment section!