Crossing floods. Leaping over drains. Surviving deadly accidents. No, we’re not talking about a human gifted with superpowers, bur rather it’s all the work of none other than the ‘King of Malaysian Roads’ — the Myvi!
Aside from these incredible feats, the Myvi is also notorious for its antics on the road, such as ramming down a toll boom gate and getting a new paint job for parking indiscriminately.
Speaking of parking indiscriminately, a Myvi did just that as shown in a now-viral Facebook post.
‘Hello, whose Myvi is this?’
The post, which was shared by netizen Khalid Fuad to an automotive Facebook group, showed a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation where a visibly confused homeowner had returned home to a silver Myvi parked right inside his porch.
Hello, whose car is parked inside my house? I can’t even park my car now.

In response, one of the group members remarked that it was “rare” to see someone parking his car right inside someone else’s home instead of parking it in front of the gate.
Under Section 441 of the Penal Code, those found guilty of criminal trespassing can face a jail term of up to 6 months and/or RM3,000 in fines.
‘Teach him a lesson!’
The post has since garnered 1.6K likes, 1.3K shares and 272 comments at the time of writing, where it amassed a wave of reactions from netizens.
Some were amused to see the Myvi in the headlines again for the wrong reasons and joked that the homeowner had gotten himself another car so effortlessly.

Others however, were angered by the Myvi driver’s selfishness and urged the homeowner to send a strong warning by either locking the car in and deflate the tyres, or straight tow it to the police compound if it happens again.