Society Fun

M’sian cries foul over being charged RM20 for two bowls of Maggie Telur Ayam in Sabah

"Even more expensive than KL!"

It seems like the inflation bug is biting Malaysians hard amidst economic instability and political upheaval in certain parts of the world, where the prices of essential goods have risen to unprecedented levels.

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Unfortunately, some restaurants have taken advantage of the situation to fleece unsuspecting customers by hiking up the price way more than permitted by law.

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RM20 for Maggi Telur Ayam

A Malaysian woman recently took to Facebook to share her disbelief over how she was charged a ridiculous price while dining at a restaurant in Sabah.

In the post, Racheal Marshanda shared a photo of the bill, where she was charged RM2.50 for a cup of hot Kopi O, RM5.50 for a cup of Neslo (Nescafe+Milo), and a frighteningly RM20 for two bowls of Maggi Telur Ayam.

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According to Borneo media, the usual price for one bowl of instant noodles is around RM5.00 in Sabah, which is half the price of what Rachel was charged.

Read also: ‘RM1,196.80 Siakap’ Restaurant Now Faces Fine Of Up To RM100,000 For Improper Business Tactics

‘This is KL pricing!’

The post quickly garnered over 400 likes and 1.3k shares at the time of writing, with netizens calling the pricing unacceptable.

“The pricing at mamak stalls is normally like this. I ordered a Curry Chicken Soup flavoured instant noodles and Teh O Ais Limau and was charged RM15.”

M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 01
M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 03

“Please ask Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNKK) Sabah to take immediate action. This is an unreasonable price placement.”

M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 04

“This isn’t Israeli pricing but Dubaian.”

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M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 05

“Please report to the consumer department. Last time I reported too. If we don’t report. people will take advantage.”

M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 06

“Please take action. #KPDNHEP #kpdnhepsabah #kpdnkk.”

M'sian shocks to find sabah restaurant selling maggie telur ayam for rm10 per bowl 02

It’s unrelated to the article but here’s our brand-new podcast – Talk Je Lah!

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Cover Images via Facebook and The Vocket

Editor: Sarah Yeoh

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