
Fake Jay Chou To Perform In Penang Night Club, Ticket Price Up To RM179

Same same, but different.
A poster featuring a Jay Chou lookalike has recently gone viral, announcing his upcoming performance at a Penang nightclub.
Fake jay chou
Screenshot via Douyin/HeiLun

It is believed that Jay Chou’s lookalike is a Chinese influencer named Hei Lun, who has gained fame for his striking resemblance to the popular Chinese pop star.

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He is set to host a concert on July 26.

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Ticket prices start from RM49

According to the poster, tickets for the concert are priced based on seating zones.

Front-row seats start at RM49 for early birds and RM79 for walk-ins.

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Back zone tickets are considerably higher, priced at RM149 for early birds and RM179 for walk-ins.

Fake jay chou poster
Photo via FB/PEACE Club Penang

This pricing strategy stems from the belief among some netizens in China that watching Jay Chou’s lookalike from a distance makes his resemblance to Jay Chou even more convincing.

The poster has sparked significant online buzz, receiving over 1.8k likes and more than 2k shares within a day of being posted.

Many commenters have expressed their amazement at how closely Hei Lun resembles Jay Chou.

Some are also eagerly anticipating the concert, curious to see just how closely Hei Lun can mimic Jay Chou’s performance style.

Hei Lun’s popularity in China

Hei Lun’s popularity extends beyond Malaysia.

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Fake jay chou perform in penang club
Screenshot via Douyin/HeiLun

On China’s Douyin, he has amassed over 1 million followers, capitalizing on his lookalike status.

Hei Lun has even hosted a sold-out concert in China, attracting many of Jay Chou’s fans who were unable to attend their idol’s concert.

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