Sometimes, doing the right thing puts you in unexpected situations. That’s what happened to one Twitter user, @fiqapong, when she decided to report a risky drunk driver in Ipoh. Her tweet about the incident has since sparked a widespread reaction.
Late Friday night, around 11:19 pm, @fiqapong narrated how she narrowly escaped a potential accident caused by a visibly intoxicated driver who swerved and hit the divider, not once, but twice.
Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt. However, when she took the responsible step to report the incident to the PDRM, she wasn’t expecting the response she got.
Her tweet read: On reporting, the police’s initial response? “Did he even hit you? If not, why report?”
“Why are you reporting if he didn’t even hit your car?” The officer’s alleged reaction was not just surprising but also came off as quite dismissive.
The encounter left @fiqapong feeling slighted, as she expressed her dismay over the officer’s tone, perceived as dismissive and condescending.
Saw an uncle drunk driving tonight, could barely stand/walk let alone drive. Literally langgar all the divider while driving. And when I made a police report, the first question asked was “dia ada langgar awak ke? dah tak langgar kenapa perlu buat report?”
— sangzhi (@fiqapong) October 6, 2023
PDRM is investigating
Responding to the growing public sentiment around the incident, ACP Yahaya Bin Hassan, Chief of Police for Ipoh, released a formal statement on October 7.
Emphasizing the department’s commitment to the matter, he said, “We are taking the feedback and the matter very seriously. We have tasked the Department of Integrity & Standard Compliance at the Ipoh police station to delve deeper into this matter.”
He also urged the public to refrain from speculating on the incident, assuring them that a thorough investigation is underway.