
39yo M’sian Man Shares His Struggles In Surviving With Just A Salary Of RM5,000

M40 living like a B40 nowadays.

A 39-year-old Malaysian man named Amirulz, earning a monthly salary of RM5,000, recently took to his Facebook to share his financial commitments and expenses.

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39yo m'sian man shares his struggles in surviving with just a salary of rm5,000 | weirdkaya
Photo by Pixabay

The now-deleted post details his monthly obligations that include car payments, housing rent, wife’s allowance, mother’s support, and children’s school fees.

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Here’s the breakdown of his expenses:

Salary: RM5,000
Car – Proton Saga: RM550
Housing loan – Flat house: RM700
Wife’s allowance: RM800
For mother: RM800
Neftlix: RM33
Electricity bill: RM80
Groceries: RM900
Children’s school fees (5 kids): RM440
Total: RM4,303.

Amirulz, despite his financial hardships, shares that he does not indulge in smoking or subscribe to any water filter services, nor does he resort to loans or insurance.

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Read also: M’sian Insurance Company Offers RM10K Salary For Full Time ‘TikTok Dancers’, Leaves Netizens Amazed 

Gives RM800 to mother monthly

He places considerable emphasis on the expenses for his mother, living in a rural area, who also cares for her two disabled sons, indicating these expenses are non-negotiable.

Following these expenditures, he finds himself left with a meager RM500 to RM600, which is spent on topping up phone credit and purchasing motor oil for his daily commute to work.

39yo m'sian man shares his struggles in surviving with just a salary of rm5,000 | weirdkaya
Screengrab via Facebook

Amirulz’s social media revelation has generated substantial attention, earning empathy and encouragement from netizens.

Clarifying his intentions in a follow-up message, he stressed that he was merely sharing his circumstances, not complaining about his salary.

Unable to do extra jobs

Working in the construction industry, Amirulz faces employment restrictions prohibiting him from taking up part-time work or additional jobs.

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His story offers an important perspective on the financial struggles faced by numerous Malaysians grappling with escalating living expenses and stagnant incomes.

The tale underscores the urgent need to raise awareness about these challenges and collectively strive towards effective solutions for those battling economic hardships.

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