‘No way for 5 years. Are you buying a car?’ – Seller.
Kuala Lumpur’s high salaries stem from its thriving service sector, such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and finance.
“Since the job is labeled ‘junior,’ it’s attracting only fresh grads who can be overworked for little pay.” – Netizen.
She allegedly called them ‘spoiled’ and never paid for their EPF and SOCSO contributions.
Her starting salary was RM2,500.
The superbike costs at least RM129,500.
Regardless of salary, education matters.
In addition to enduring a low salary as meagre RM1.5k, she frequently faces scoldings from her boss in front of customers.re
In this case, nearly 90% of the employee’s salary, or RM3,800, went to monthly payments.
She even asked for money from her sister to cover her expenses.
In 50 years of his life, he managed to own 2 houses and 2 cars.
It suggested raising it to RM2,102 per month.
He’d only be left with RM100 monthly after paying the bills & debt.