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I Studied Chinese For 2 Years & Got Enrolled At China’s Top Uni. It Was A Tough Journey But I Made It In The End 

She recalls the struggle with tones and characters, a journey marked by persistence and small victories.

A non-Chinese speaker by origin, Aqilah Anuar embarked on a remarkable journey, where she spent two years learning Chinese in China.

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This endeavor eventually led her to enroll at Peking University, a prestigious beacon of higher education, for a 4-year course. Today, as a Media Analyst, she reflects on her transformative journey with a mix of nostalgia and pride.

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Aqilah anuar_peking university_malaysian
Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

Embracing the challenge

Aqilah’s journey is peppered with small beginnings and huge leaps. Hailing from a background where Chinese was not a family language, her initial exposure to the language was lukewarm at best.

I remember attending Chinese classes in primary school. It was more of a playful attempt than serious learning,” Aqilah reminisces with a gentle laugh.

However, the turning point came unexpectedly.

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Aqilah anuar in front of pku
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

In an exclusive interview with WeirdKaya, Aqilah revealed that going to China was never part of her initial plan; rather, it was a result of her eagerness to explore every possible opportunity.

At that time, I had already completed my diploma, but my strong desire to study abroad led me to apply to various countries, where I submitted applications to study in China, Korea, or Turkey.

“Knowing that the US and the UK typically don’t offer full scholarships, I focused my applications on Government Scholarships, where such opportunities were available.

“Eventually, China accepted me and granted a full scholarship for my studies. My parents were incredibly supportive, allowing me to pursue my education anywhere as long as I secured a scholarship.

Aqilah in china 2
Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

“I never imagined myself there, yet there was this unexplainable pull,” she says.

Getting to China

Securing a scholarship to study in China was just the beginning.

Aqilah recalls her initial days at Capital Normal University in Beijing with a mix of awe and trepidation.

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Everything was so new and challenging. I had to start from scratch – learning a language that was once alien to me,” she shares, her voice reflecting the weight of those early struggles.

The journey was not just about the language. It was also about adapting to an entirely different educational system, culture, and way of life.

Aqilah anuar with her pre-university course batch
Aqilah with her coursemate from pre-universtiy programme. Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

For foreign students doing a Bachelor’s degree in China without basic Chinese, it is mandatory to undergo a pre-university program lasting at least one year. This program includes the study of the Chinese language and mathematics.

Aqilah studied the program at Capital Normal University and eventually passed all the tests after studying for a year.

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However, she couldn’t immediately enroll in undergraduate courses at Peking University (PKU) due to the university’s stringent requirements, including the HSK examination.

Consequently, I dedicated another year to preparing for Peking University’s entrance exams. Failing the entrance exam at that time would have meant exploring other educational option

“At PKU, the available seats are also rather limited each year, thus compelling students to compete with one another to secure a spot,” she adds.

Endless nights of studying

In the end, she enrolled in the PKU School of International Studies (SIS). When asked about her choice, Aqilah explained that studying at SIS proved to be beneficial in the long run. It was during 2017/2018 when the Belt and Road Initiative was prominent and China-Malaysia’s relationship was strengthening.

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Aqilah anuar with her coursemate at pku
Aqilah and her friends at the Peking Universtiy School Of International Studies. Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

While this wasn’t her original plan, she recognized the significance of these factors for the Southeast Asia region.

In terms of her study life, she told WeirdKaya that the challenge of learning Chinese as a Malay speaker was steep, and it became even more daunting when using it as the primary language for all academic studies.

Aqilah attends international culture festival
Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

The process of learning Chinese characters and expanding vocabulary involved a rigorous routine of repetition and extensive exam preparation, requiring the memorization of thousands of Chinese words.

She recalls the struggle with tones and characters, a journey marked by persistence and small victories.

There were days I felt I couldn’t do it. But each word I learnt, each sentence I understood, felt like a triumph,” she shares, her determination evident.

However, one poignant memory stands out from the rest.

“I remember using Google Translate for everything. It was my lifeline. The day I realized I didn’t need it for a simple conversation, I felt an indescribable sense of achievement,” she recounts with a smile.

Aqilah in china
Aqilah in China. Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

Her journey also involved bridging the gap between her Malaysian heritage and the new Chinese environment she was adapting to.

There were moments of loneliness due to feeling lost in translation. But those moments taught me resilience and the beauty of diversity,” she says softly.

Looking back, Aqilah sees her journey as a mosaic of experiences that shaped her into who she is today. “If I could speak to my younger self, I’d say, ‘Embrace the uncertainty. It’s in the unknown that we truly find ourselves.’ China was more than an education; it was a journey of self-discovery,” she reflects.

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Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

Her advice to others contemplating a similar path is heartfelt.

I also had the quote ‘坚持到底就是胜利’ (success belongs to those who persevere) printed on every page of our take-home holiday homework booklet (approximately 40 pages) during my first pre-university year.”

It was a challenging time, and this mantra became indirectly imprinted in my mind, helping me push through my studies when I felt like giving up.”

In July 2022, Aqilah completed her undergraduate program and officially graduated from Peking University, marking the culmination of her six-year journey in China. She is now back in Malaysia and currently works as a media analyst at a company in Bangsar.

Still uses Chinese in her daily activities in Malaysia

Fast forward to today, despite the cultural variations, she continues to incorporate Chinese into her daily life in Malaysia.

Aqilah celebrating her birthday in china
Aqilah celebrates her birthday in China. Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

This is particularly evident in her work, where she translates Chinese news into English for analytical purposes.

Additionally, when meeting fellow Chinese individuals, she naturally tends to communicate in Chinese, cherishing the distinct linguistic connection.

A humorous anecdote highlights her sense of belonging—upon returning to Malaysia in 2020 after almost two years in China, during the winter break, the first thing that captured her attention was the familiar Chinese signages along the street. It felt like coming home, a testament to the sense of assimilation she had experienced during her time in China.

A story of human connection

Aqilah’s story goes beyond the academic success of mastering a challenging language and gaining admission to a top university.

Aqilah attending global events
Photo provided to WeirdKaya.

It’s a deeper narrative of human connection, resilience, and the discovery of one’s potential in the face of daunting challenges. Her journey is a reminder that barriers – linguistic, cultural, or personal – are but stepping stones to greater understanding and profound personal growth.

In a world where language barriers often dictate the boundaries of our experiences, Aqilah Anuar’s story stands as a testament to the power of determination and the beauty of embracing new cultures.

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