Current Affairs Society

Higher Education Minister: 41,000 Out Of 286,000 Graduates Remain Jobless 6 Months After Graduation

The Minister of Higher Education, Datuk Seri Mohamad Khaled, pointed out that the number of graduates in Malaysia in 2021 reached 286,299, of which 41,467 were still unemployed six months after graduation, accounting for 14.5% of the total number of graduates that year.

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Higher education minister: 41,000 out of 286,000 graduates remain jobless 6 months after graduation | weirdkaya

41,000 graduates couldn’t find a job six months after graduation

He said that according to the official data from the Graduate Tracer Study System (SKPG) released by the Ministry of Higher Education, the number of graduates in 2020 was 267,101, and a total of 45,500 people (accounting for 15.6%) were still unemployed six months after graduation.

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“In 2019, the number of graduates reached 298,551, of which 41,161 (13.8%) were graduates who had not yet found employment six months after graduation.”

He answered in writing to the request of the Member of Parliament for Jerlun, YB Akmal Nasir, to explain how many graduates were still unemployed in the past three years. He pointed out that the above data are calculated annually and not accumulated from previous years.

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