As the Raya and Labour Day holiday period comes to an end, many Malaysians are now returning to the city, resulting in massive Raya congestions across major highways.
Read our coverage here:
Uses binoculars to check Raya traffic
A video showing an uncle using the most unconventional method to see how bad the Raya traffic was has been circulating on social media, where many found his actions amusing.

In the video, we can see him standing on top of the car bonnet and peering into the distance with a pair of binoculars as the other cars slowly inch their way forward.

While the date and exact location of the clip is unknown, it’s safe to assume that the man is making his way back to Johor as his car bears a Johor-registered license plate.
Watch the video here:
It’s unrelated to the article but here’s our brand-new podcast – Talk Je Lah!
Cover Images via Internet
Editor: Sarah Yeoh