It’s unknown whether anyone was hurt in the accident.
M’sian Mechanic Defends RM3.2K Viva Steering Rack Price, Says It’s Due To Limited Stock
He explained that the high price was due to Perodua discontinuing the Viva power steering rack, making it rare and more expensive.
M’sian Woman Says She Feels Cheated By RM6.2K Bill To Fix Her Viva’s Steering Wheel
Several netizens believed she was scammed, pointing out the inflated prices for parts.
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M’sian Teacher Who Drove 100km Daily To School Killed After Perodua Viva Gets Hit By Truck
He was driving from Mentakab towards Jerantut when the accident happened.
“Bad Example” – Viva Owner Called Out By Netizens For Displaying Obscene Bumper Stickers
What you show reflects who you are.