Yesterday, we reported of a woman who took to Facebook to complain how she was charged a staggering RM23 for a meal of ayam goreng kunyit with rice in Langkawi.
In an unexpected twist, the owner of the restaurant where the incident took place has stepped forward to give his side of the story, where he claimed the customer didn’t raise a single complaint when she made the order.
Owner responds to RM23 ayam goreng kunyit meal
Speaking to Harian Metro, the owner of the restaurant located in Pantai Chenang, Zulfan Bustami, said that the customer was shown the menu, where it clearly stated that the ayam goreng kunyit dish would cost RM20.
She saw the price in the menu when placing the order and she didn’t say anything at the counter before leaving. The (photos) later went viral on social media and triggered negative perceptions. What was the motive?
“I wasn’t at the restaurant during the incident and only knew about it after the staff informed me that photos of the food and receipt totaling RM24 were spreading on social media,” he said.
However, Zulfan said he believes the photos weren’t shared by the customer but by another person, such as a family member or a friend who was tech-savvy.
‘The price is justified’
Commenting further on the RM23 ayam goreng kunyit meal, Zulfan defended its price, saying that it was enough for two people and used ingredients such as 160 grams of chicken meat, vegetables, radishes, salad, long beans, and Dutch onions.
He also said the customer, being a local herself, should have known that food prices around Pantai Chenang would be higher due to high rental rates.
“I tried contacting the customer through Facebook Messenger to discuss and apologize for the incident while being ready to meet, but she has been avoiding me.
“My shop was also visited by enforcement officers from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN) and they handed me a notice,” he said.