In an unexpected turn of events at a gym in Bangsar, a Malaysian man named Wong faced the odd dilemma of having his pink pants stolen right from the shower area.
M’sian man has pink pants stolen at Bangsar gym
In a series of screenshots provided to WeirdKaya, Wong had left his pants hanging over a door while using the facilities.
Upon returning, he discovered his belongings were missing, prompting a search that lasted over 30 minutes.
With the assistance of the gym staff, every nook and cranny of the shower area was inspected, albeit without any success.
Suspicion then fell on one individual who had secluded himself in one of the shower cubicles for an unusually long time, raising eyebrows among both the staff and the pants’ owner.
I was hesitant to confront him directly. The last thing I wanted was to accuse someone wrongly,” Wong recounted.
Culprit blames him for hanging it at the door
Persistence paid off when the staff eventually confronted the man, leading to the discovery of the missing pants wrapped in a plastic bag amidst his dirty laundry.
“When I asked him to show me what was in the plastic bag, he seemed a bit reluctant. But I insisted him to open it up and true enough, it was his dirty laundry bag.
“What caught my attention was the pile of used gym clothes, which seemed too bulky for two pieces of clothes.
So I pushed him to dig through and open everything. That’s when I saw his hand was shaking; I guess he was nervous. And ta-da! True enough, my poor pink pants were wrapped with his smelly clothes.”
However, instead of confessing to his actions, the culprit’s response was rather shocking.
“He just shrugged and said, ‘Oh, because it was hanging there and belongs to no one,'” Wong recalled, still incredulous at the response. “It was the audacity for me. Not a hint of guilt or the slightest apology.”
Got pants back after reporting to management
Wong also shared that he finally got back his pants after the staff reported to their management.
If he was apologetic, I would have just let go, but he learned his lesson,” he concluded.
WeirdKaya has also reached out to the gym for comment and we will update this article once they respond.