Chinese New Year is a big deal for every Chinese family as it’s the most important occasion of the year.
In the midst of preparing of this festive season, there are some things kiasu families will do in hopes of securing an extra ong year.
Here’s our list of the 7 things kiasu Malaysians will definitely do before Chinese New Year kicks in, which may leave you either nodding your head in agreement or scratching it in confusion.
1. Grab packet drinks at supermarket
For some reason unknown to mankind, Chinese families must always be the first to grab cheap soft/packet drinks at the supermarket weeks before CNY arrives.
As such, it’s no surprise to see news of shoppers fighting with each other to take as many drinks as possible and leave the display rack completely empty.
2. Collect new angpau designs
While what’s inside an angpau is the most important, but so is the outer appearance, right?

With 12 animals representing each year of the Chinese zodiac, it’s impossible to reuse old angpaus for the next Chinese New Year due to different animal designs.
Hence, you will see parents collecting new angpaus that are both in line with the current animal zodiac and have beautiful designs to up their angpau game.
In fact, some may even go as far as to buy something just for the sake of getting free angpaus!
3. Buy new clothes online & offline
Buying new clothes for CNY is one of the biggest traditions to date as it signifies the passing of the old year and welcoming a fresh start.
One rule of thumb is to avoid buying anything that’s black in colour as it’s believed to be one associated with bad luck.
With numerous clothing offers at supermarkets, it’s not unusual to see the women spending time online and offline browsing and purchasing new clothes a month beforehand.
The guys? Praying that their credit card doesn’t reach the limit or standing outside a shop while waiting for the women to finish trying their clothes.
4. Gotong-royong
According to traditional customs, house cleaning should be done prior to Chinese New Year to cast away all the “bad luck” accumulated over the past year and to allow a new start to take place.

Thus, it’s a common sight to see families rolling up their sleeves and getting right down to work to ensure that the house looks as though it was newly bought.
5. Order or bake CNY cookies
As Malaysians, there’s never a day where we don’t indulge in good food, and this is no different for CNY.

Every Chinese family is guaranteed to stock up with tons of snacks and biscuits to serve guests so they won’t be hungry and avoid embarrassment.
As for the more entrepreneurial ones, CNY is the perfect time to make some extra money by baking and selling CNY cookies to friends and relatives. Ka-ching!
6. New year, new hairstyle
Whether you’re getting a new haircut or want to dye your hair, the general rule is to get it done at least a month beforehand if you don’t want to be charged extra for the new hairdo.

However, if you choose to procrastinate until CNY itself, sorry to say that you’ll have to live with it until CNY ends as cutting your hair on this auspicious day is a sign of “cutting away” good fortune.
7. Change new notes for angpau
Just like new haircuts, getting new banknotes is a must for CNY as it signifies ushering in prosperity in the new year.

As such, don’t be shocked to see long lines at ATM machines in the days leading up to CNY as everyone’s rushing to secure fresh banknotes to put into angpaus.
After all, who doesn’t like the feel of holding new banknotes in their hands?