Current Affairs

Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming announces he won’t be running for GE15

“I'm taking a break to regroup and recharge."

PETALING JAYA – Bangi MP and outgoing DAP politician Ong Kian Ming has announced that he will not be in the running for the upcoming GE15.

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Ong, who was elected Bangi MP in 2018 and served as Serdang MP from 2013 to 2018, said that he will instead give his full support to the new Bangi candidate and continue to serve his constituency and DAP until Parliament dissolves.

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Ong kian ming
Source: The Edge Markets

In a statement today, the former Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry who failed to keep his seat during the party’s central executive committee (CEC) elections in March, said that while the defeat did play a role in his decision, it wasn’t the main factor.

When I was first offered to be a candidate for the parliamentary seat of Serdang, my agreement with my wife was that I would serve out two terms and then re-evaluate the situation.

Coming to the end of my second term, I believe that I have served my constituency, my party and the country to the best of my abilities. It is now time for the younger generation in the party to take over the reins of leadership.

Out but not gone

He also reiterated that he wasn’t completely retiring from politics but only “taking a break to regroup and recharge”.

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Ong kian ming
Source: The Star

“I stand ready to serve the party and the country in the future if my services are required. As for my immediate plans after GE15, I will take a much-needed break and spend some time to exercise, read and reflect on how and where I can best put the skills and knowledge which I have accumulated over the past nine years to good use.”

Ong thanked key DAP leaders such as Tony Pua, Lim Guan Eng, and Lim Kit Siang for their support and confidence in his leadership and also thanked voters for their support throughout his nine-year tenure.

‘Please reconsider!’

Following Ong’s shock announcement, many Malaysians were left dismayed and urged him to continue for the sake of the country.

Ong kian ming
Source: Twitter
Ong kian ming

Others wished him well in his future endeavors.

Ong kian ming
Ong kian ming

Thank you for your many years of service, YB Ong!

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Cover image: The True Net

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