
“Next level education” — Workbook question about facial features triggers debate among netizens


A photo of a workbook question regarding facial features has recently stirred up a lively discussion among netizens in the Malaysian subreddit r/Malaysia.

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In the question, students are shown the face of a boy named Ali and asked to identify which facial feature was inherited from which family member, such as his grandmother, grandfather, mother, and father.

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Although it’s not stated which student age group the question was targeting, it can be seen that it was to encourage students to sharpen their observation skills.

Useless or otherwise?

The post has since evolved into a source of contention among netizens, who debated whether such questions were actually beneficial for students.

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Some felt it was useless and claimed that it was further evidence that Malaysia’s education system was going down the drain.

Facial features
Screenshot via r/Malaysia
Facial features
Screenshot via r/Malaysia

Others, however, felt that such questions served as a good stepping stone for students to improve their observation and cognitive skills and found the backlash ridiculous.

Facial features
Screenshot via r/Malaysia
Facial features
Screenshot via r/Malaysia

Meanwhile, cheeky netizens joked that they had witnessed a “sweet home Alabama” moment — an Internet slang that refers to incestuous relationships.

Screenshot via r/Malaysia

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Cover image via r/Malaysia & iStock

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