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Woman’s Skin Turns Orange After She Ate Carrots For 3 Months To Lose Weight

Like Bugs Bunny, except that he didn't turn orange.
For those who are too lazy to exercise to lose weight, they may resort to other methods such as drinking more water or consuming fruits and vegetables regularly.

A woman in China who wanted to lose weight by eating only carrots had a shock of her life after her skin turned orange due to her unusual diet.

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Woman’s skin turns orange after she ate carrots for 3 months

According to a video posted by White Deer Videos (白鹿视频) on Weibo, the woman resorted to eating only carrots as she wanted to shed the extra pounds.

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Woman's skin turns orange after she ate carrots for 3 months to lose weight
Screenshot via Weibo/白鹿视频

Her diet began in July of this year, where she would solely consume the vegetable for all her meals. To make it more palatable, she would sometimes coat it with turmeric before frying it.

She also claimed that she ate approximately 200 to 500g of carrots every single day for a period of three months.

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On Oct 1 during China’s National Day holiday, the woman took a look at the mirror and was shocked to see that her skin had turned orange.

Woman's skin turns orange after she ate carrots for 3 months to lose weight
Screenshot via Weibo/白鹿视频

When the woman’s friends came over to check on her and saw that her skin had indeed turned orange, they advised her to see a doctor pronto.

After the doctor examined her, he told her that her carrot diet was the cause for her skin becoming orange.

Initially, she refused to believe the doctor and begged him to conduct tests on her liver as she feared she had contracted jaundice, a liver condition that causes the skin to turn yellow. Thankfully, the tests showed that her liver was perfectly fine.

Woman's skin turns orange after she ate carrots for 3 months to lose weight
Screenshot via Weibo/白鹿视频

The woman was later instructed to drink more water and refrain from consuming ‘colourful’ foods so that it would enable her skin to return to its normal complexion within two months.

What is this condition called?

While the woman’s condition sounds bizarre to most, it’s actually a real medical condition called carotenemia.

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According to Healthline, carrots are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is converted into Vitamin A by the body.

However, when one excessively consumes carrots or other foods high in beta-carotene, the small intestine is unable to covert all of it into Vitamin A and it will instead circulate in the bloodstream, causing one’s skin colour to change, like how the woman experienced.

Woman's skin turns orange after she ate carrots for 3 months to lose weight
Screenshot via Weibo/白鹿视频

Thankfully, carotenemia isn’t known to be fatal and its effects can be reversed by cutting down the consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene.

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