
Woman Slammed For Letting Young Son Pee At The Wall Of A Building In Pasar Seni

While it’s understandable that answering the call of nature may come at an unfortunate time, it’s still not a reason to execrate at public areas as it jeopardises public hygiene.

A woman has gone viral on social media after a photo of her letting her young son pee at the wall of building attracted condemnation from netizens, who were disgusted by her lack of consideration for others.

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Woman slammed for letting young son pee at the wall

In the said photo, it showed the woman holding her son while he urinates at the wall of a building.

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According to netizens, it is believed to have taken place at Pasar Seni, a popular tourist spot in the country.

Not surprisingly, the woman’s actions didn’t do her any favours and found herself on the receiving end of fierce criticism from netizens who were appalled by it.

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‘Such a huge difference between the behavior of Malaysians and the Japanese. Low class.’

Woman slammed for letting young son pee at the wall of a building in pasar seni comment 1
Screenshot via Twitter

‘What the heck…(she) makes it look as though there are no toilets in Malaysia.’

Woman slammed for letting young son pee at the wall of a building in pasar seni comment 2
Screenshot via Twitter

One netizen wasn’t too surprised by the incident, writing that he often smelt the scent of urine whenever he jogged around KL.

Woman slammed for letting young son pee at the wall of a building in pasar seni comment 3
Screenshot via Twitter

Another shared a horror story in which he saw a woman from China letting her child pee into a bottle while standing on top of a table at the food court in Pavilion.

Woman slammed for letting young son pee at the wall of a building in pasar seni comment 4
Screenshot via Twitter

Even if you’re in a rush to relieve yourself, please do so inside a toilet and not by the roadside or beside a building for the sake of public hygiene!

Back in May, a woman was caught urinating behind a wall at the JB Customs building before she fled the scene:

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