What kind of bouquet do you wish to receive as a gift? Recently, a woman from Jiangsu, China received a bouquet of 999 roses made of steel wool for her birthday, sparking curiosity among netizens.
The woman, Ms Pan explained that the the bouquet was a lavish gift from her best friend, symbolising that their bond is stronger than steel.
Pan said that she runs a business in the textile city and has a very close relationship with Xiao Mei, just like her biological sisters.
This year, as Pan’s birthday approached near the Chinese New Year, they decided to close the shop for a few days to rest, and Xiao Mei took this opportunity to order the “steel wool rose” bouquet in advance as a birthday celebration.
Pan mentioned that because it was the busy season for florists, Xiao Mei had to book the flower shop in advance.
Xiao Mei purchased the required steel wool early and then had the shop staff create the bouquet, with the cost of materials and labour nearing a thousand yuan (Approx. RM663).
Pan believes that the steel wool rose is a very special gift, “Moreover, steel wool does not wither, is not easily rusted, and can be displayed for a long time.”
Some netizens misunderstood and thought the steel wool flowers were from Pan’s boyfriend, as a joke to suggest she should take on a lifetime of household chores.
Pan clarified that the steel wool bouquet was made by Xiao Mei in a playful mood, “Both of us love to make jokes and have fun. It was meant to bring joy on my birthday.”
However, some netizens explained the symbolism behind the steel wool flowers, which is a “relationship as strong as steel, as delicate as silk, and never rusting,” suitable not only for romantic love but also for the friendship between best friends.
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