
M’sian Goes To Unifi To Pick Up ‘Mystery Gift’, Turns Out It Was Just A Pen

Who doesn’t love the thought of getting free stuff, especially if it’s presented to us as a ‘mystery gift’?

A Malaysian’s excitement at potentially snagging an exciting and lucrative gift from Internet provider Unifi was dashed after he was given something which he didn’t expect at all — a pen.

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Kuala selangor unifi store
Photo via FB/TechRacun

M’sian goes to Unifi to pick up ‘mystery gift’

In a Facebook post by TechRacun, it showed how the Malaysian’s joy quickly turned to disappointment in a flash thanks to a text message he received from Unifi.

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In the text message, it extended an invitation to the man to head over to the Kuala Selangor Unifi Store at Bangunan TM located along Jalan Klinik between Jan 30 and 31 in order to get a ‘mystery gift’ from them.

Unifi sends sms about a 'mystery gift'
Photo via FB/TechRacun

Thinking that he had possibly been selected as the winner of a grand prize, the man quickly made his way to the Unifi branch to claim his gift.

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To his horror and dismay, the ‘mystery gift’ was actually an ordinary ball pen with the words ‘Unifi’ printed on it. So much for a mystery gift!

Unifi's 'mystery gift' is actually a pen
Photo via FB/TechRacun

‘Did the pen have fast Internet speed?’

In the comment section, netizens couldn’t help but to feel amused and sorry for the man’s experience, with some making some jokes out of the situation as well.

One cheekily asked whether the pen had fast Internet speeds.

M'sian goes to unifi to pick up 'mystery gift', turns out it was just a pen comment 1
Screenshot via FB/TechRacun

Another suggested that the man “double it and give it to the next person”.

M'sian goes to unifi to pick up 'mystery gift', turns out it was just a pen comment 2
Screenshot via FB/TechRacun

Another lamented that free pens were usually useless, saying that “the paper would tear first before ink comes out from the pen”.

M'sian goes to unifi to pick up 'mystery gift', turns out it was just a pen comment 3
Screenshot via FB/TechRacun

What other disappointing ‘gifts’ have you received in the past? Share with us in the comments!

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