At some point in out lives, we all have done the all too familiar mistake of sending an email to either the wrong person or email address.
However, what would you do if you accidentally called your lecturer “stupid” in the email that you’ve just hit the “Send” button?
In a tweet which has recently gone viral, a university student made that horrifying mistake after she unintentionally sent an email to her lecturer with the words “woi bodo” (Hey, stupid) written in it.
An innocent mistake
According to the tweet, @samsuydin said that she wrote the somewhat offensive message in the email as she thought her assignment partner had locked the document.
“The text was meant for my assignment partner because I thought it was weird for her to lock our document. But then…it turned out that it was the lecturer’s document.”

‘I know I’m not stupid’
After realising her big ‘oopsie’, @samsuydin quickly went to explain the entire situation to her lecturer and apologised profusely for the epic blunder.

Fearing that her lecturer would be deeply angered by the email, @samsuydin begged him to keep the matter between the both of them even tried to “bribe” him with almond London cookies.
Thankfully, her lecturer was more than willing to let the issue slide as a joke before telling her cheekily that he wasn’t stupid nor does he take bribes.

Amuses netizens
The tweet, which has since garnered 14.3k likes and more than 4.5k retweets at the time of writing, saw netizens bursting out with laughter over the incident.

Some also poked fun at the fact that @samsuydin wanted to keep the matter as a secret but decided to talk about it on Twitter.

One netizen posed a question that most were very curious about: the choice of almond London cookies as a “bribe”.

WeirdKaya actually asked @samsuydin about the cookies and she told us that there was a backstory to it.
“The lecturer always joked to my best friend about how much he wanted the almond London cookies after she promised that she would get him some for Hari Raya.”
“However, since there hasn’t been physical classes, my lecturer hasn’t gotten the cookies yet,” she said, adding that her best friend is looking to fulfil her promise very soon thanks to her extra income.
What are some other embarrassing email stories you’ve heard? Share with us in the comments!
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Cover image via Twitter/@samsuydin & Tenor