A mixed breed cat, combining Bengal and British Shorthair (BSH) traits, has captured attention online for its unique preference to be petted with feet rather than hands.
While dogs and cats are popular pets worldwide due to their lovable behavior and ease of care, cats, in particular, are known for their affectionate nature.
They often enjoy being petted, especially on their heads or necks, using hands.
Cat that prefer feet petting
However, a cat has gone viral on TikTok for preferring foot petting over hand touch.
The video, posted on the TikTok account @daddykucin, shows the cat’s owner, Melvin Yeoh, explaining that his pet dislikes being touched by hands.
“Look at my cat, it doesn’t like being touched by hands; it prefers feet,” Yeoh remarked in the video.
Request for foot petting every where
Yeoh mentioned that his pet follows his feet everywhere, seeking to be petted.
The video shows the cat immediately getting up to approach Yeoh’s feet, seemingly requesting foot petting.
According to Yeoh, the Bengal-BSH mix is less than a year old, adding to the fascination with its unique behavior.
Watch the video here: