A cat was seen feasting on durian like a true Malaysian, and it even knows how to pick the good ones!
One of our readers sent in a video to WeirdKaya, revealing that his cat, Nugget, has developed a taste for durian, particularly the more expensive varieties.
Durian-loving cat

Nugget’s owner shared that the cat’s interest in durian became apparent when she would always wander around whenever someone in the house was eating it.
After researching to ensure it was safe for his cat, he started feeding small bites of durian to Nugget.
The cat started with small lick that gradually turn into quick bites. And moving forward she knows to wait and ask for hers when the family member are eating durians.
“We make sure not to feed her too much every time because although durian is not toxic for cats, it might be a burden on their digestive system.”

Knows to pick the expensive one
Before long, Nugget began to distinguish between different types of durian and even showed a preference for the pricier varieties.
“The more expensive it is, the more she likes it. Her favorite so far is Musang King,” her owner says.
According to the owner, they bought some cheap kampung durian one time and the cat stopped after just a few lick.
“We might shoot a durian test video with her using different type of durian next time.” The owner shared.
They will put the latest update over at Nugget’s Instagram account @NuggetMeoww.
Watch the full video here: