Eh, who took Jit Jit’s uniform lah?
M’sians Amused By Oyen ‘Employee’ That Refused To Help Fill Up Gas At Petrol Station
“boss your employee is not working”
“I’m Hurt”- M’sian Woman Who Worked At Petrol Station Shamed By Rude Uncle Who Said She’s Not ‘Smart Enough’
“Belajar tak pandailah tu,” the rude uncle arrogantly assumed.
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M’sian Parents Leave Their Son Behind At Seremban R&R By Mistake After Pumping Petrol At Gas Station
Dear parents, don’t forget your kids.
“Saya Belanjalah”- Kind Shell Cashier Offers to Pay For Customer’s Drink Who Had Forgotten To Bring His Wallet
Turned out it was actually a social experiment.
Elephant stops by a Shell petrol station much to the delight of workers
Gentle giant visits