TOKYO – A landlord was left dumbfounded and disgusted after he saw how his rented unit was trashed beyond recognition by a student from China.
According to Sin Chew Daily, the landlord had rented the place to the student two years ago for 45,000 Yen (RM1500) a month excluding electricity fees. Although the unit was rather small, it was nonetheless in tip-top condition and spotless.
Hence, you can imagine the landlord’s utter shock when he saw how damaged and filthy the unit was when he came to inspect it on the last day of the rental agreement.

Nothing but trash everywhere
In the photos taken by the landlord, the room was filled with piles of unused clothes and shoes wrapped in plastic bags, empty shoe boxes, cables, and glass bottles. He also noticed that there was a lingering cigarette scent and saw yellow stains on the wall.
The most disgusting part? He found 150 plastic bottles filled with urine and immediately texted the tenant to come clean the mess up. Gross!
Clean up the bottles of urine yourself! If you don’t come over, I’ll call your parents and teacher. This is horrible!

Initially, the student agreed to clean the mess on the same night but failed to show up. He even said that he would pay the cleanup costs if the landlord hired someone else to do the dirty work for him.
Furious by his request, the landlord told the student that the entire unit had to be renovated as the walls were permeated with the smell of smoke and urine.

He also demanded that he pay half of the renovation expenses to settle the matter, which amounted to 125,000 Yen (RM4,000).
‘Sue me!’
Unable to reach a consensus on the matter, the landlord told the student that he had no choice but to report him to his parents, eliciting an angry response in return.
At the end of the day, it’s all about money. You think my parents will give you the money if you were to find them?
The situation went a notch higher when the landlord threatened the bring the student to court, to which the latter coolly replied, “Sue me!”

To top things off, the student even had a ridiculous proposal if the landlord wanted to settle the issue out of court.
If you want to settle this privately, kowtow to me three times and write a 1000-word apology letter to each of my parents. You can also contact me through Teacher Yu. If not, sue me. I will countersue you for tax evasion.

The accusation distressed the landlord deeply, who claimed that he was a law-abiding citizen who paid his taxes diligently every year.
He’s now looking to compel the student into paying the renovation fees in full and to kowtow to him as a form of a public apology well.
Please be considerate and maintain the hygiene of your living area, especially if it isn’t owned by you!
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Cover image via Sin Chew Daily.