Ever stumbled upon a quirky washroom setup? Well, prepare to be amazed!
So, there’s this viral video showcasing a washroom sink that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before – the design of the sink resembles a toilet bowl cover.
I mean, seriously, who even comes up with these ideas?

This viral video was shared by a TikToker user, @4wishyy_, who strolled through the washroom showcasing this one-of-a-kind sink.
Speaking exclusively to WeirdKaya, the OP spilled the beans that this sink was actually spotted in the men’s washroom at one of the colleges in Singapore.
Turns out, it wasn’t some fancy design trick after all. The OP, who is also a student from the same college, revealed it was actually just a broken toilet bowl cover placed on top of the sink.

He also mentioned that the sink stayed that way for a whole week before it got removed. After all, in the world of washroom wonders, anything is possible.
Netizens were all in for this!
In the comments, some netizens were even asking if it’s okay to use it for, well, more than just washing hands.
“Is it okay to poop inside it?”

And believe it or not, a few were actually interested in buying one!
“I want to buy it lah.”

So, what’s your take on this unique innovation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
Watch the full video here: