Current Affairs

Selangor DAP Wanita Secretary Tells Syed Saddiq To Resign After MUDA Wins 0 Seats At State Polls

Biggest loss for the party.
With the state elections done and dusted, the victorious parties are celebrating and looking to form the state government soon.

On the other hand, there were also parties that were absolutely crushed at the polls, one of them being the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA), where they didn’t win a single seat.

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‘Please resign, Syed Saddiq’

Following MUDA’s poor showing, there have been growing calls for the party’s top leadership, particularly its president Syed Saddiq, to step down.

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One of them came from Selangor DAP Wanita Secretary Nalina Nair, who wrote on Twitter that he should resign as a sign of responsibility.

MUDA lost ALL their deposits. Only right for the (unelected) President @SyedSaddiq to resign for such a defeat and finally have party elections to elect a new president and central executive committee.

Nalina nair
Photo via FB/Nalina Nair

MUDA has also been facing fierce criticism from netizens for splitting the votes when they announced to field candidates at PH-held seats, some of which were eventually lost to PN by razor-thin margins.

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One notable example of this was the Sungai Kandis seat, where PH candidate and incumbent Zawali Mughni was defeated by PN’s Wan Dzahanurin Ahmad by 167 votes, while MUDA’s Afriena Shaqira garnered 1,341 votes.

‘Just get rid of Muda already. Arrogant, ignorant, and splitting the votes, causing PN to win.

Selangor dap wanita secretary tells syed saddiq to resign after muda wins 0 seats at state polls comment 1
Screenshot via Twitter

‘Congratulations, MUDA, for splitting the votes. That’s your only function.’

Selangor dap wanita secretary tells syed saddiq to resign after muda wins 0 seats at state polls comment 2
Screenshot via Twitter

‘My cousins in Klang are currently cussing out MUDA in Tamil, Hokkien, Malay, and English. All in single sentences.’

Selangor dap wanita secretary tells syed saddiq to resign after muda wins 0 seats at state polls comment 3
Screenshot via Twitter

MUDA’s dismal performance

MUDA was undeniably the biggest loser at the state election, where none of its candidates won at the 13 constituencies contested and lost of all their deposits.

Some of MUDA’s prominent leaders who lost include secretary-general Amir Hariri Abd Hadi and information chief Luqman Long.

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Not long after the results were announced, Syed Saddiq released a statement about the party’s poor performance, saying that he will take full responsibility.

“We would like to start by thanking every vote that was given to us, and we would like to reiterate that we will respect the mandate of the people.

“This is MUDA’s first foray going solo and it was never going to be easy, this is something that we were quite aware of from the beginning.

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“This is a very humbling experience for us and I am proud of each of our candidates,” he said as quoted by Malay Mail.


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