SEMPELANG – He was expecting a sweet family reunion following his release from jail, but was served a bitter truth instead.
In a TikTok video by @heraalex86, a man was visiting a grave along with his sister, who then tearfully told him that it was their mother’s.
Unable to accept the reality, the man looks on in disbelief and shock as his mind went numb over the news.
@heraalex86 ##selepas 6bulan dpenjara, harini dia bebas trus bawa jumpa mak ????????
♬ Ya Allah – Wali
In a separate clip, the sister also revealed how their mother had passed away 100 days ago.
Twin tragedy – the loss of a mother and a sister
As reality began to sink in, the man proceeds to crying uncontrollably at his mother’s grave.
To add on to his grief, he was also told that his older sister had also passed away ten days before he left prison.
@heraalex86 ##kita kena redha adik… Kakak dah maafkan adik???? maafkan kami xbgtau adik masa dalam penjara???? lagi2 pkp,keadaan xmenginzan…????
♬ Shollallahu Ala Muhammad Cover By Abi Rafdi – TIC.IHSAN YR ♏usicall????
His sister later apologised to him for not informing him of both his mother and sister’s death due to lockdown restrictions.
I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you while you were in prison. The Movement Control Order (MCO) didn’t allow us to.”
Netizens sympathise
The video, which has since garnered 2.4 million views, saw netizens going teary-eyed over it.
One netizen shared how hard it was for her to accept her mother’s passing back in 2016.

Another wrote, “Without realising, tears have rolled down my cheeks.”

Another summed up the entire tragedy succinctly: “The most painful thing is when we, as children, miss the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from the elderly before they leave us.”

Our deepest condolences to the man and his family. May we take every opportunity to cherish our loved ones and not take them for granted.
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Cover via: TikTok/heraalex86
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh