
“Disappointing” — MUDA Co-Founder Panned For Acting As Mentor For The Razak Leadership Program

They also accused him of being a hypocrite.

Lawyer and co-founder of The Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) Lim Wei Jiet has come under much scrutiny for his latest role in The Razak Leadership Program.

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MUDA is a youth-centric political party which prides itself from being different from the rest and known for actively protesting against corruption and abuse of power.

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Muda president syed saddiq and members
Photo via Sinar Daily

Co-founder announces newfound role

However, the party is now on the receiving end of backlash after its co-founder Lim Wei Jiet posted a tweet announcing his new role at the Razak Leadership Program.

In the tweet, he said that he was pleased to be chosen to be a mentor to the participants.

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Honoured to be one of the mentors for aspiring young leaders under the Razak Leadership Program, a brainchild of Tan Sri Nazir Razak, longtime Chairman of CIMB.

“Public policy, advocacy & grit in the pursuit for change – equipped with such tools, youths can move mountains.”

The program is under the purview of Tan Sri Nazir Razak, the younger brother of former Prime Minister and convicted felon Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

‘Disappointed with MUDA’

Netizens did not take too kindly with Lim’s tweet and expressed their disappointment in his association with Nazir Razak.

“So looks like MUDA is nothing more than a Trojan horse for the Malaysian oligarchs and pirates to ride back to political prominence.”

"disappointing" — muda co-founder panned for acting as mentor for the razak leadership program comment 1
Screenshot via Twitter/limweijiet

“Why though? Please la. Traumatic to see any kind of association with the “Razak” family. Can MUDA/MUDA members just stay away from them?”

"disappointing" — muda co-founder panned for acting as mentor for the razak leadership program comment 2
Screenshot via Twitter/limweijiet

Some also accused Lim of being an opportunist by collaborating with questionable individuals to further his legal career.

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“People like Wei Jiet are not just politicians. He’s also thinking about his career as a lawyer, to further his ambitions, to reach the influence and financial goals he so desires. He needs opportunities like this for that.”

"disappointing" — muda co-founder panned for acting as mentor for the razak leadership program comment 3
Screenshot via Twitter/limweijiet

Was the criticism justified or not? Let us know in the comments!


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Cover image via The Vibes & Twitter/limweijiet

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