
M’sians Have Mixed Reactions Towards Dress Code Rules Set By TRX Management

Dress code for every occasion.

The ongoing battle between management’s dress code standards and the public’s disagreement with them has a long history. Recently there is another uproar involving The Exchange 106 TRX’s dress code enforcement.

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The Exchange 106 TRX’s management faced a wave of criticism when they sent out a notice to all tenants and guests, reiterating the stipulated dress code guidelines mentioned in the building’s Tenant Handbook.

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The code emphasizes the need for a business or smart casual attire, in sync with the establishment’s reputation as a Premium business center.

A tweet featuring this notice spelled out in no uncertain terms what this meant that is a ban on casual gear such as slippers, shorts, and tank tops.

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In fact, the management has gone so far as to say they wouldn’t blink twice before restricting entry to those deemed inappropriately dressed.

Twitter, as it often does, turned into a battleground for opinions. While some users ridiculed the policy, insinuating its absurdity, others saw the rationale behind it.

One user humorously remarked, “The dress code is just hilarious. It would mean that a lot of start ups ceo will be barred then.”

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In contrast, another netizen defended the policy stating that it is normal to follow dress code as it is a office building.

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Meanwhile, another netizen jokes that hermes slippers and gucci shorts owner will get away with it since its “premium grade a”

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What do you guys think? Are you on the ‘dress how you feel’ side or firmly in the ‘dress for the place’ camp?

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