Stray dogs in any populated housing area is nothing new. But when these strays potentially carry deadly diseases or are prone to attack passersby, swift action must be taken.
Over the years, Malaysian authorities and NGOs have worked tirelessly in addressing this issue but sometimes, it has gone horribly wrong due to the cruelty of certain individuals.
M’sian pest management company accused of killing stray dogs
In an Instagram post, a profile named @dsrsanctuary expressed profound disappointment and frustration regarding the treatment of stray dogs in Johor.
In the post, the OP mentioned that a particular pest control company called Rizal Pest Management had allegedly brutally murdered several stray dogs and disposed their carcasses in a remote area near the Kulai Bridge.

The dogs’ remains were reportedly found in a severely mutilated state, with some having their stomachs cut open, while others appeared to have been strangled or drowned.
There’s literally a field of dogs rotting away in the open, even after death they can’t find peace.
“What crime did they do to deserve this? What could a tiny puppy have possibly done to be murdered this way?” wrote the distressed OP.

The OP also highlighted that this distressing situation has persisted for decades without visible change, prompting questions about the actions taken by the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Johor to address and resolve this issue.
Apparently, multiple police reports have also been made but to no avail.
Was hired by Kulai City Council
The post also claimed that since 2019, the Kulai City Council had engaged Rizal Pest Control in capturing and handling the disposal of stray dogs.
Along with the posts were numerous screenshots of Facebook posts which spotlighting operations aimed at culling the stray dog population.

Towards the end of the post, the OP urged Malaysians to spread the news, tag famous personalities and lodge reports with the police and the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) if they want to help in publicising the issue.
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