
M’sian Mother Devastated By Daughter’s Affair With Boss For Career Growth

Two Daughters, Two Stories.
A mother’s care and guidance are often seen as the cornerstone of a child’s upbringing, but sometimes, even the most dedicated parents face challenges that leave them feeling helpless.

Recently, a Malaysian mother shared her heartbreaking story about her two daughters—one who is having an affair with her boss for career advancement, and the other who quickly moved on to a new relationship shortly after marrying her long-term boyfriend.

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Sad asian woman
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva.

A Malaysian single mother has shared her distressing experience on XUAN Play’s Facebook page, revealing the heartbreaking choices of her two daughters, which have left her feeling helpless and disappointed.

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Eldest Daughter Moves to New Relationship

The mother, who prefers to remain anonymous revealed that her elder daughter, who recently married her long-term boyfriend, has already moved on to a new relationship, bringing her new partner home.

When the mother tried to offer guidance, she faced sharp criticism and ridicule from her daughter and her friends.

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For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva.

Younger Daughter becomes a Mistress

Next, the mother shared details about how her younger daughter, once a sensible and well-behaved child, has been maintaining an inappropriate relationship with her ex-boyfriend, despite him having a new girlfriend.

What has truly devastated the mother is discovering that her younger daughter has engaged in an affair with her married boss.

“What shocked me even more is that for career advancement, she got involved with a married boss and became his mistress.” the mother expressed.

Woman having affair with boss
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva.

Faced with these revelations, the single mother expressed her profound heartbreak and confusion, questioning her parenting and seeking ways to guide her daughters back to a more respectable path.

The post has resonated with many netizens, who have offered support and advice.

“Learn to let go, you will be happier.”

M'sian mother devastated by daughter's affair with boss for career growth
Screenshot via FB/XUAN Play

“Children grow up and make their own life choices. Controlling them is not the same as caring for them. You can’t change others, but you can change yourself. Learning to let go is the best choice for everyone, including yourself.”

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M'sian mother devastated by daughter's affair with boss for career growth
Screenshot via FB/XUAN Play

“The more you try to stop them, the more they will want to do the things you don’t like.”

M'sian mother devastated by daughter's affair with boss for career growth
Screenshot via FB/XUAN Play

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Here is the full post:

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