In a heart-stopping rescue that’s been warming hearts across the web, a team of fearless firefighters performed a daring aerial save to pluck three adventurous kittens from a precarious predicament at a high-rise building.
A video shared on Bomba Channel’s Facebook shows the rescuer, fully equipped with safety gear, skillfully moving outside a window to reach the cats.
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The cats were sitting on a narrow ledge and trapped by window grilles, but the firefighter’s calm and careful actions helped set them free
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The online community has been all praises for the gutsy move, showering accolades on the Bomba heroes who not only risked their lives but also ensured a few more lives purred on safely.
This rescue has everyone saying “Good Job Bomba, very brave act,” reminding us that not all heroes wear capes—some have a really big ladder!
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Some joke that these cats always act sullen and just needed some pampering from ‘Abang Bomba.’