Fireworks are a staple when it comes to huge cultural celebrations like Chinese New Year and Raya, but sometimes children and adults can get injured while playing with them.
As such, there are those who are calling for the complete ban of fireworks due to their dangerous nature, while some argue that it’s an integral part of major cultural events.
Blames govt over kid’s fireworks injury
A Twitter user has recently voiced his displeasure over the government’s decision to legalise the use of fireworks, where he used a video of a child getting injured by it to prove his point.
In the tweet, he posted a video of a child holding fireworks in her hand when it suddenly exploded and left burn marks on her arm.
Bile ada menteri Kerajaan PH sebelom ini dan kini menteri Kerajaan Perpaduan @NgaKorMing nak cadangkan mercun ni di halalkan demi kantung kerajaan kononye. Inilah akibatnye bende yg haram nak di halalkan. Dah abis kaji ke belom ? Aku yakin #Bomba dan #PDRM x sokong cdgan ini.
— 𝓦𝓱𝔂 ~ 𝓦𝓱𝔂 (@blackmerz101) February 5, 2023
He then blamed the government for the child’s injury, specifically Local Government Development minister Nga Kor Ming, who green-lighted the legalisation of fireworks.
This is the consequence of making illegal things legal. I’m sure the police and firefighters will disagree with this decision.
‘Where’s your common sense?’
However, Malaysians did not sit well with the netizen blaming the government for the child’s injuries and said that the blame should be on the child’s parents.

Some also said that legalising something was meant to provide guidelines and not to act as an excuse to do as one pleases.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments!