
JPJ Wangsa Maju Turns Into Mini Swimming Pool As Water Pours Through Ceiling

Wet, wet, wet.
Over the past few days, certain parts of Malaysia have been experiencing extreme weather in the form of torrential rains, strong winds, and lightning.

As a result of the heavy rain, several premises have borne the brunt of Nature’s fury, which was such the case for the Road Transport Department’s (JPJ) Wangsa Maju office.

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JPJ Wangsa Maju soaked following heavy rain

In a series of videos shared on X (formerly Twitter) by a netizen named @jan_1513, it showed the counter reception area getting thoroughly soaked with rainwater as it leaked through the ceiling incessantly.

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Water leaks through ceiling at jpj wangsa maju
Screenshot via X/@jan_1513

Not only was the reception area inundated with water, but the office area where the staff were seated was submerged in ankle-deep water too, where staff had to wade through the soaked floor with their shoes still on.

Jpj wangsa maju office area soaked
Screenshot via X/@jan_1513

Certain sections of branch closed off

Following the incident, JPJ Deputy Director-General (Planning and Operations) Aedy Fadly Ramli said sections of the Wangsa Maju branch which was severely affected by the flooding have been closed off.

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However, he said the entire building is still open to the public.

Only the affected areas are temporarily closed, not the entire building. There are only a few sections that need to be closed for repairs, including the section dealing with driving licenses,” he said as quoted by Kosmo.

Jpj deputy director-general (planning and operations) aedy fadly ramli
Photo via Kosmo

Aedy Fadly added that those who still want to visit JPJ Wangsa Maju can do so and assured that there’s nothing to worry about the building’s condition.

He also said that JPJ Kuala Lumpur has estimated the losses caused by the flooding and is preparing a comprehensive report on the incident.

Watch the videos here:

A tree recently fell and crushed several cars in the process, resulting in one person tragically killed:

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