Influencers have long been seen as both a bane and boon, where they have a significant level of clout in contributing to society in good or bad ways.
One influencer was recently called out for her sense of entitlement after a clip of her ranting about Lotus’s staff was shared on Twitter.

‘Lotus’s staff didn’t carry my items’
In the 45-second video, the influencer known as Kieda ranted about how she felt she was treated poorly by staff at a Lotus’s outlet.
Her complaint? They didn’t offer to carry her items despite the fact that she had spent thousands of Ringgit.

“Being a small business owner myself, even I would offer to help customers transport their stuff to their car. But I went to Lotus’s and spent around RM2k-3k and even RM5k but I had to do everything on my own.
The staff are so arrogant and that makes me angry. I won’t go there again unless I really have to. Why so calculative? When you buy items from me, we will assist you although we don’t have trolleys,” she said.
Watch her rant here:
Kau beli 5K barang ada troli en ? Kedai kau barang kecik2, ada troli ? Kau boleh lah cakap oh kau hargai tolong angkat apa semua. Kedai kau tu jual barang kecik2. Lotus tu barang2 besar siap dengan troli, bukannya tak ada troli. Lain lah kalau tak ada troli, amenda kau ni ?
— cotilinapumpumsakuranatashahudsonkencangnyaangin💨 (@si_shorty) February 2, 2023
Netizens: ‘It’s not their job!’
Many netizens were angered by Kieda’s criticism of Lotus’s staff and told her that they’re not obligated to help her carry her groceries.
“The staff are already exhausted from working all day in carrying and arranging stock but you have the gall to demand that they carry your stuff. It’s not even in their policy!”

“Just because you’re an influencer that doesn’t mean you’re always right! What makes you think you can act this entitled?”

Even Lotus’s Malaysia weighed in on the incident, where it joked that it was the trolley’s fault for not being able to carry Kieda’s groceries.

What do you think of Kieda’s complaint? Do you think she stepped too far in her criticism of Lotus’s staff? Let us know in the comments!