
Huge Crowd Spotted At TRX As Many Flock To Visit First Apple Store In M’sia 

So many people.
The opening of Malaysia’s first Apple Store at Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) has drawn a massive crowd, with eager customers lining up to experience the new store.
Queue apple trx 5
Photo by WeirdKaya.

According to XiaoHongShu, The first person in line was a man from China, who started queuing at 11 pm on Friday.

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First man to enter apple store malaysia
Photo via XiaoHongShu/耳东佳

We were at the scene and observed that Apple’s crowd control was very effective. Despite the long queue, we managed to get in after a 2-hour wait.

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All earlycomers will receive a tote bag from Apple, part of the tradition of Apple Store openings worldwide.

Apple store gift opening malaysia
Photo by WeirdKaya.

Many Apple fans from different countries were also spotted queuing.

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Came straight from the KLIA airport

One man from China, who arrived straight from KLIA airport, told WeirdKaya that he initially planned to visit Malaysia for traveling purposes but stumbled upon the opening and decided to switch his schedule.

Read also: Here’s The First Look At M’sia’s First Apple Store In TRX 

Queue apple trx outside
Photo by WeirdKaya.

“I am an avid Apple fan, so I decided to come straight from the airport,” he said.

Another group, aged 17, shared that they came from Seremban to witness the historical moment of the Apple Store opening in Malaysia.

Queue apple trx 2

“Our intention is simple, we just wanted to look at the first Apple Store in Malaysia,” they said.

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