KUALA LUMPUR – As the pandemic intensifies in its ferocity, e-learning is now the new norm for students in Malaysia and worldwide. For some underprivileged families, it is also becoming a burden too heavy to bear as the cost to purchase a laptop burns a hole right through their pockets.
“We are privileged to have access to online classes and don’t need to climb up a tree for a stable Internet connection.

“Thus, it’s time to give back to society,” said Tzy Hwan Hiew, founder of Laptop4all.

Inspired by Muar MP Syed Saddiq
Hiew said that he was inspired by Muar MP Syed Saddiq, who launched the “1 Keluarga 1 Laptop” donation drive in December of last year.
“I decided to emulate his initiative in creating a platform for underprivileged students and began brainstorming for ideas that could enable us to achieve the same goal within our capacity.”

Embarking the journey of empowerment
Hiew then invited several of his high school friends who had a background in commerce to join him in building Laptop4All, namely Goh Li Zhe, Xue Fu Leong, Ji Ching Hong, Yee Hui Teng, Ito Yumiko, Jia Yu Tan and Mun Chee Chan.
After months of intense research and refinement, they came out with a plan that would benefit the underprivileged kids and the donors. It was simple and straightforward: establish a non-profit organisation that sells cookies, then use the proceeds to buy laptops for the students.
“We don’t want to ask the public for donations only. We want to create value for them, and this is why we are giving cookies to them too,” said co-founder Xue Fu.

Li Zhe, who is Hiew’s former schoolmate and was involved in the initiative before furthering his studies at Amsterdam, said he was honoured to participate in a group effort that helps those in need during these challenging times.
“I think it’s important to show kindness towards other people,” he added.

Ups and downs
Laptop4All was formally launched during the first Movement Control Order (MCO), and the team faced obstacles in securing donations as donors were reluctant to give their hard-earned money at a time of financial difficulties and wanted to save it for rainy days.
Furthermore, some didn’t perceive the team as experienced and credible due to their age and were reluctant to donate.
“The first campaign was tough, and the second proved to be a bigger challenge. But it wasn’t enough to deter us from persisting,” said Xue Fu.
Determined to bring a change to society, their hard work was finally rewarded, where they managed to sell more than 100 packets of cookies and donated five laptops to the underprivileged kids.

The team also received multiple positive feedbacks through their two campaigns and word about Laptop4All began spreading like wildfire.

One step at a time
Team member Yee Hui credited the team’s educational background in a Chinese independent school as the reason for their epiphany about the lack of emphasis on charity events and social activities.
“The school would occasionally organise these events, but students took part in it because they had to.”
True to the team’s commitment to impact others and establish a socially responsible business, the mission and vision of Laptop4all is rooted in empowering society.
“Our main goal is to influence the people around us.Money is momentary, but the impact is forever,” said Hiew.
For now, the team is progressing one step at a time and are in the midst of discussing with various social enterprises tohelp distribute cookies and provide more merchandise in the future.
If you would like to contribute to Laptop4All, you can pre-order their cookies here.

Sources: Laptop4All (Provided for WeirdKaya)
Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh