Not too long ago, it was revealed that a man had been killed during a fight at a restaurant in Jalan Kenanga, Melaka, right after he had made an indecent and lewd comment against a woman.
Currently updated that nine individuals have been kept captive, including a businessman possesing the title “Datuk Seri” along with the woman (known as his girlfriend), to aid with investigations related to the fight which led to brutal murder.
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In consonance with China Press’s latest update, the respected gentleman is apparently a prominent foreign exchange dealer, who owns branches in both Melaka and Johor.
He also allegedly has a far-flung of contacts and is also potrayed as a good man for his contribution in variety of charity work.
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In spite of the police being close-mouthed on the Datuk Seri’s identification, China Press have certainly managed to locate his Facebook account which has then vanished.
Based on Berita Harian‘s report, a confinement order worthy of 7 days has been distributed to the suspected criminals, ages varying from 20 to 38-years-old, since yesterday till May 16 (Tuesday).
This is due to a fight which occured approximately around 2am, where a 35-year-old man, believed to have been intoxicated, having his supper and few drinks socialising with his friends.
He had then purpotedly threw a filthy comment towards his friend related to the girlfriend of the Datuk Seri involved.
Eavesdropping the conversation, the bodyguard of the Datuk Seri snapped back at the late victim by addressing the woman his ‘madam‘.
That’s when the argument started to become heaty, which turned physical between the victim, the bodyguard and the Datuk Seri.
The deceased was intially injured and fell unconscious. On his way to the hospital, he was confirmed dead by his friends.
Following that incident, upon investigating the police have now arrested the group, inclusive of the Datuk Seri and his bodyguard, and proceeded to seize the weapons used in the fight, mostly knives and iron rods.
Datuk Seri & Others Detained Over Melaka Murder Case Sparked By Lewd Comments About Woman’s Breasts
Not too long ago, it was revealed that a man had been killed during a fight at a restaurant in Jalan Kenanga, Melaka, right after he had made an indecent and lewd comment against a woman.
Currently updated that nine individuals have been kept captive, including a businessman possesing the title “Datuk Seri” along with the woman (known as his girlfriend), to aid with investigations related to the fight which led to brutal murder.
In consonance with China Press’s latest update, the respected gentleman is apparently a prominent foreign exchange dealer, who owns branches in both Melaka and Johor.
He also allegedly has a far-flung of contacts and is also potrayed as a good man for his contribution in variety of charity work.
In spite of the police being close-mouthed on the Datuk Seri’s identification, China Press have certainly managed to locate his Facebook account which has then vanished.
Based on Berita Harian‘s report, a confinement order worthy of 7 days has been distributed to the suspected criminals, ages varying from 20 to 38-years-old, since yesterday till May 16 (Tuesday).
This is due to a fight which occured approximately around 2am, where a 35-year-old man, believed to have been intoxicated, having his supper and few drinks socialising with his friends.
He had then purpotedly threw a filthy comment towards his friend related to the girlfriend of the Datuk Seri involved.
Eavesdropping the conversation, the bodyguard of the Datuk Seri snapped back at the late victim by addressing the woman his ‘madam‘.
That’s when the argument started to become heaty, which turned physical between the victim, the bodyguard and the Datuk Seri.
The deceased was intially injured and fell unconscious. On his way to the hospital, he was confirmed dead by his friends.
Following that incident, upon investigating the police have now arrested the group, inclusive of the Datuk Seri and his bodyguard, and proceeded to seize the weapons used in the fight, mostly knives and iron rods.