Yes, it’s back again. After what seemed to be two long years of unadulterated, fresh air during the Covid-19 pandemic, the haze season has returned with a vengeance.
However, contrary to common belief, it may not be Indonesia’s fault this time around. According to geologists, the culprit behind the current haze season is the resuming of post Covid-19 economic activities in the Mekong Subregion, where it consists of Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand.

Adding on fuel to the burning inferno in the Mekong Subregion is the practice of peat fires, open burning, and industrial activities rearing its head again in Malaysia, resulting in a choking smog blanketing major cities across the country.
Given the fact that the haze won’t be disappearing anytime soon, here are 4 ways that will help you stay healthy and survive throughout the haze season.
1. Stay indoors
While most of us wouldn’t relish on the idea of staying at home after spending two years cooped indoors during the pandemic, it is still the most effective way to protect your body from the harmful effects of haze.
While indoors, make sure to keep the windows and doors closed so that the haze will not seep into your home and pollute the air.

If you happen to have an air conditioner/air filter, ensure that the filter is clean before turning it on so that air pollutants can be “cleaned out” as much as possible.
2. Mask up when outside
If tip #1 doesn’t suit you due to work reasons, then it’s vital that you wear a face mask whenever you step out of the house during the haze season.
This is because wearing a mask will protect your nose, heart, and lungs from being “attacked” by pollutants found in haze, which can led to a host of respiratory problems and is especially risky for those with a history of such ailments.

However, wearing the correct type of face mask is also essential in protecting your health. As such, make sure you wear a N95 mask, NOT a 3-ply/4-ply face mask as the former does a better job in keeping pollutants out.
3. Drink up!
No, we’re not encouraging you to finish that bottle of vintage wine sitting in your fridge for years. Rather, we’re referring to the best kind of liquids provided by nature: water!
Why water? This is because it has been proven to be the best method is flushing out toxins out from your body, be it via urine or sweat.

Additionally, drinking lots of water will do your kidneys a huge favour as it helps in ensuring toxins caused by haze are excreted out completely.
4. Have a healthy diet
If you’re one who easily falls sick after getting exposed to air pollutants found in haze, it’s highly recommended that you supplement your diet with fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, E, and A.
Vitamin C is a well-proven mineral that helps in boosting the body’s immune system, thus reducing one’s chances of falling ill. It can be found in oranges, berries, and vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli.

As for Vitamin E, it’s vital in keeping your lung tissue healthy and strong as it produces a layer of protective protein over the lungs, reducing the chances of it getting inflamed or damaged by air pollutants. Vitamin E can be found in almonds, spinach, and mangoes.
Finally, there’s Vitamin A, popularly known as beta-carotene which is often linked in improving eye health. According to scientific research, Vitamin A is vital in protecting the lungs and eyes – parts of the human body that is most susceptible to irritation and inflammation caused by air pollutants. Where can Vitamin A be sourced from? It would be carrots, tomatoes, and eggs.
What other methods do you have in this current haze season? Share with us in the comments and stay safe!