Syazlin Zainal, local drama actress and TikTok influencer, died on November 11th after falling from the 22nd story of the Taman Iskandar condominiums in Johor Bahru, according to authorities.
Police investigation results
According to South Johor Baru District Police Chief ACP Raub Selamat, the 26-year-old Syazlin, who is well-known for her part in the drama series Oh My Hantaran, is suspected to have fallen yesterday at 12.50 p.m.

According to Raub, his squad was alerted of the discovery of a woman’s body at the bottom of the building by passersby.
“The results of the police investigation found that the woman in question was a 26-year-old local resident and worked as a part-time actor.
“Initial investigation found that the cause of death was falling from the 22 level of the apartment – it was later confirmed by the medical staff from the Sultanah Aminah Hospital (HSA), here,” he said in statement earlier today.

Sudden death
He claimed that no evidence of crime was discovered during the initial police inspection, and the case was classified as sudden death.
However, he urges anyone who witnessed the event to report to the Taman Pelangi Police Station or get in touch with Assistant Superintendent Mat Nawi Ab Rahman, the investigating officer, at 016-5050808.
It is believed that a post-mortem investigation is still being carried out at the HSA Forensic Medicine Department.
The body will eventually be interred in Kassim Noor Islamic Cemetery, near Sungai Danga Village, Johor Bahru.
“I lost my friend”
Since then, the actress’s sad demise has been shared on social media.
Zeatyalia, a friend of Syazlin’s, posted the depressing news on her Instagram Stories yesterday evening.
I lost my friend today and I don’t even know how to describe my own feelings. My mind still struggles to comprehend.”
Sitik Tok, Dia Yang Ku Jadikan Suami, Takdir Yang Tertunda and Ada Yang Ngikut are just a few of the local dramas in which Syazlin has appeared.

She was the youngest of five siblings and the only daughter in her family.
Our thoughts and prayers go to her family and friends during this period of grief.
It’s unrelated to the article but here’s our brand-new podcast – Talk Je Lah!