A young woman has taken to Facebook to complain about how she was denied of a room to rent by a landlord in Singapore on the presumption that those her age were “too spoilt”.
In the post uploaded to a renting Facebook group on Monday (July 11), the woman surnamed Lim wrote that she privately messaged the landlord, who then asked about her age and what kind of work she did.
After telling the landlord her age and the location of her workplace, she was rejected for a very baffling reason.
‘Young people are way too spoilt’
The landlord first started off by saying that she only rents out to those with families as she found them to be more attentive in their work.
The next reason she gave for the rejection was that she felt young people like Lim were unable to endure hardship and grossly pampered by their parents.
People like you who are fresh out of school and working for the first time in Singapore have never gone through hardships and I don’t really like them.
“All these young people who have been spoilt rotten by their parents at home are very hard to accommodate and my place has no room for them to act like royalty.”
The landlord then told Lim to look elsewhere before thanking her for the enquiry.
Slammed by netizens
Lim’s post has since gained more than 1.6k likes and over 700 shares at the time of writing, where a majority of netizens found the landlord to be extremely rude and condescending.
“If you’re not renting out, just say ‘Sorry but you’re unsuitable’. Why do you have to criticise her like that?”
“The most you can do is not rent the place out. Don’t attack a mother’s child like that. It isn’t good. You have to understand, there are all kinds of people out there. Why do you have to be so biased? If you were looking to rent a room and someone replied you like this, how would you feel?”
Landlord strikes back
Not long after, the landlord herself responded to the backlash, where she likened netizens who defended Lim to “mad dogs” and accused them of listening to only one side of the story.
“When a mad dog barks at you, do you need to bark like them too? Of course not! Dogs and humans are different, and I’m a human being.
“As for the keyboard warriors who don’t use their brains to think, are arrogant and don’t bother to find out the truth should be disregarded all the more,” she wrote.
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Cover image via iLiveSG & Facebook