
17yo M’sian Teen Hangs Himself At Family Home Due To Personal Problems

A suicide note was also found at the scene.
Depression is often called the “silent killer” as it usually creeps onto an individual and slowly destroys the person from within even though he/she may seem fine on the outside.

A Malaysian teenager decided to end his own life in a tragic manner by hanging himself at his family home due to personal problems that he was unable to cope with.

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17yo m'sian teen hangs himself at family home due to personal problems
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Freepik

17yo M’sian teen hangs himself at family home

According to China Press, the tragedy occurred in Benta, a town located in the Lipis district in Pahang at around 2pm yesterday (July 10).

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The 17-year-old teen was studying at a school in Raub and had lost his father to a heart attack years ago and abandoned by his mother when he was young. As such, he was sent to live with relatives in Raub so that he could go to school.

However, a relative realised that something was amiss when the teen didn’t return home after school as usual and immediately went to the teen’s old family home in Benta, where he discovered that the teen had hung himself inside the house.

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17yo m'sian teen hangs himself at family home due to personal problems
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

A police report was later lodged and the teen’s body was taken to the Lipis Hospital for an autopsy.

A suicide note was also found at the scene of the incident, where the teen wrote the following:

Why was I even born? Everything is meaningless. I can’t take it anymore and I don’t know what to say because no one understands even when I speak up. However, I do want to thank those who helped me in the past.

RIP to the victim and we hope that he has found peace on the other side. If you or anyone is suffering from mental distress, please give these helplines a call:

Suicide help


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