
Viktor Axelsen Compares Tokyo & Paris Olympic Medals, Netizens Says Tokyo’s In Better Condition

Which one do you think is better?
The 2024 Paris Olympics recently concluded, but the event has sparked controversy as several athletes expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the medals.

Many have criticized the Paris medals for their noticeably faded and lackluster appearance, claiming they fall far short of the high standards set by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

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Axelsen comparing medals

One of the most vocal critics, Denmark’s Viktor Axelsen, the men’s singles badminton gold medalist, shared a video on Instagram comparing his gold medals from the Tokyo and Paris Olympics.

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Axelsen gold medal comparison
Image via IG/@viktoraxelsen

In the video, he placed the two medals side by side, flipping them to show both sides and highlighting the stark difference in quality.

The Tokyo Olympic medal gleamed brightly under the sun, while the Paris medal appeared dull and faded, further fueling the ongoing debate over the Paris Olympics’ medal quality.

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Although Axelsen didn’t directly comment on the medals, he cheekily wrote in the caption, “Tokyo 🥇 vs. Paris 🥇,” leaving it up to his followers to be the judge.

Netizens’ reaction

Netizens quickly picked up on Viktor Axelsen’s subtle jab, with many commenting on the stark contrast between the two medals.

Tokyo shining more
Image via IG/@viktoraxelsen
Comment on axelson's medal (1)
Image via IG/@viktoraxelsen

Some also commented that Axelsen is silently flexing his gold medals.

Comment on axelson's medal (2)
Image via IG/@viktoraxelsen

Watch the full video here:

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