TELUK INTAN- A love-struck man in Teluk Intan, Malaysia, decided to heat things up in the worst way possible after his romantic advances were turned down.

The 54-year-old intoxicated chap, unable to deal with the rejection, set fire to the mobile phone shop where the woman he fancied worked.
According to Sinar Harian, Assistant Commissioner Ahmad Adnan Basri of the Hilir Perak District Police said that the man, who was jobless, had a habit of showing up at the shop sloshed and attempting to charm the 46-year-old married woman.
Being a lady with a husband and three kids, she kindly told him “no thanks.”
But the lovelorn man couldn’t take the hint.
On the day of the incident, he went berserk, injuring the woman and using offensive language.
Fearing for her safety, the woman lodged a police report as the man threatened to turn her and the shop into toast.
While she was busy reporting the incident, her brother’s shop caught fire, suffering damages to the tune of RM100,000. Thankfully, the fire department managed to extinguish the flames.
Authorities managed to apprehend the suspect at the scene. According to witnesses, he had poured gasoline on the shop before igniting the fire.
The suspect sustained burns on his face, hands, and feet and was subsequently admitted to Teluk Intan Hospital for medical attention.
The man is now in police custody for five days as further investigations are carried out under Section 435 of the Penal Code for arson and Section 323 of the same Code for causing injury to the victim.
This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of handling emotions responsibly.