Universiti Malaya (UM) will be offering economy rice set meals to students starting today to ensure that none of them go hungry.
According to UM’s Students Affairs Division Facebook page, it said that the meals, which are priced between RM3.50 and RM5, are part of the university’s efforts to lessen students’ burden, reported New Straits Times.

The RM3.50 set comes with white rice, omelette and vegetables or ulam, while the RM5 set consists of white rice, chicken or fish, and vegetables or ulam. Both sets also offer sambal or soup as additional options.
Set meals for students’ benefit
The division said that the initiative was a collaboration with cafeteria operators in devising the menu to ensure that students’ wellbeing and survival were taken care of.
Aside from UM, other universities such as Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu have launched a similar initiative as well.
At USM, students only need to pay RM5 to have a meal of white rice, vegetables, fish or chicken and gravy or chilli condiments, whereas Universiti Malaysia Terengganu has a ceiling price of RM3.50 per meal for selected items.

Last Monday (July 4), Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad announced that food operators at public universities will be given a 6-month rent moratorium that will allow them to maintain the price of food sold to students.
She also said that the Food@Campus Keluarga Malaysia free food voucher programme will continue in order to help B40 students cope with the rising cost of living.
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Cover image via Timeout and The Star