
‘Surprise Mother-‘ – M’sians Feel Cheated After Buying RM12 Bun Only To Have Purple Jam Filling On The Edge

Oh wow.
In a twist that’s spreading faster than yeast in dough, a TikTok video has sparked a nationwide crumb-troversy.

Allegations have surfaced against a sneaky bread vendor accused of shortchanging customers with their fancy folded bread. The video, posted by @alisssfd89, has gone viral faster than a speeding bread knife.

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M’sians feel cheated after buying RM12 bun

According to the video, the bun in question seemed to promise a filling experience but ended up more half-baked than fully stuffed.

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Rm12 bun with little purple jam on the edge
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

It appears the deceiving bun had only a mere hint of white cream tucked away amidst what was supposed to be a generous spread of purple jam-like filling.

“The vendor lied, it looks nice, they can fool our eyes but they can’t fool our mouths,” the video owner lamented. 

Rm12 bun with little purple jam on the edge
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

Adding salt to the wound, this bun debacle didn’t come cheap. A single pack of bun reportedly fetched a staggering RM12, leaving customers feeling more buttered up than satisfied.

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The exact location and name of the bakery were not disclosed, possibly to avoid unleashing a loaf of legal challenges.

‘Don’t complain why we don’t support local businesses after this’

Netizens were quick to slice into the controversy, filling the comment section faster than a baker piping cream. 

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

One comment encapsulated the frustration felt by many: “Wait, would it be a huge loss if they put more filling?”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

Another commented, “Later they’ll complain why we don’t support local businesses.” These reactions show how fed up people are with these half-baked practices.

This incident highlights the importance of honest business practices and accountability. Many condemned the deceitful practice, saying that businesses like these lack integrity and won’t rise to success in the long run.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

“This kind of business is not blessed,” one user said.

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Clearly, this baker’s antics have left a sourdough taste in everyone’s mouth.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok @alisssfd89

Another user asked, “What are you revealing, bro? A little cream? How does it taste? Is it good or not?” 

As the saga unfolds, one thing’s for certain: in the world of bread and deceit, even a little cream can cause a whole loaf of trouble.

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It’s time to roll out better standards and stop buttering up customers with false promises. After all, a little transparency can go a long way, and that’s the yeast we can do.

Watch the clip here:

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