A sad story emerges from Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Al-Uzma Lailaitam, where a young student spends his school break in solitude, unlike his friends who are with their families.
A photo shared on the school’s Facebook shows him sitting quietly on a bench, alone in the school compound, sparking widespread sympathy online.
The post tells us, “1001 stories… Only God knows the real one. While friends enjoy their break, he remains here. Left behind because no one is there for him.”
This boy isn’t an orphan, but his situation is just as lonely—his family can’t be found or contacted. It seems he might even spend the upcoming Ramadan and Eid festivities under the care of the tahfiz custodian, not with relatives.
The heart-rending image and story have moved many, leading to questions about his background and how he ended up spending the festive season away from family.
A wave of empathy from netizens
A netizen shared a personal experience, offering a glimmer of hope and camaraderie amid similar circumstances. The individual recounted their own time during form 1 to 3, living in a dormitory away from home.
Despite the isolation, they found solace and warmth in the kindness of friends who invited them to their homes. Each month brought a new invitation—from House A to House B, then on to House C—where the friends’ parents welcomed them with open arms, providing meals and even pocket money for school expenses.
A commenter inquired about the possibility of becoming a foster parent to the student, offering to have them stay during holidays.
This narrative is part of a broader issue, highlighted by similar stories of children feeling left out during times of celebration, yearning for family connections and the joy of shared experiences.