
‘Too Many Perverts Here’ — SG Woman Says She Moved To Amsterdam As She Felt Unsafe

Singapore generally is viewed by most people as a place that’s extremely safe for everyone, to the point where one can walk late at night without fearing for their safety.

However, not every Singaporean shares the same view, like one TikToker who sparked a debate with her reasons as to why she decided to migrate to another country.

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SG woman says she moved to Amsterdam as she felt unsafe

Taking to her TikTok account, a woman with the handle @yantheboo shared several reasons why she, a born and bred Singaporean, left for another country in a video titled ‘Reasons Why I Chose To Leave Singapore’.

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Among one of the reasons that raised a lot of eyebrows was her claim that the city-island wasn’t as safe as most assumed.

It’s sad because I no longer feel safe as a girl living in Singapore. There are too many — far too many upskirting, molestations cases, catcalling, and cheekopek (perverts).

“Being abroad, I don’t receive unsolicited eye stares that would make me uncomfortable,” she wrote.

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Ironically, @yantheboo followed it up by saying that Singapore “in general is really safe” and that there was “a low probability of people trying to mug/stab you or steal from you”.

Listed weather, overcrowding, & work-life balance as other reasons

@yantheboo then went on to list out other reasons that compelled her to move out from Singapore.

One of them was Singapore’s dry and humid weather all year round, where she wrote that she didn’t enjoy “sweating perpetually” and noted that after moving to Amsterdam, the Nordic country’s cool weather had made her “less angsty” and appreciate the outdoors more.

Asian woman sweating
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Another aspect of Singapore that grinded @yantheboo’s gears was the fact that the country’s metros tend to be overcrowded, which made her feel claustrophobic on a regular basis.

Last but not least, she also criticised Singapore’s work culture, saying that “work-life balance was a luxury” and that it was not unusual for Singaporeans to slave away for long hours before collapsing with fatigue when the weekend rolls around.

“In Amsterdam, people value their time outside work. There’s no expectation to work overtime and answer mails in the weekend.
Woman at workplace stressed
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

“I earn slightly lesser gross income in Amsterdam but my per hour rate is waaaaaaay better,” she said.

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Mixed reactions online

The video has since over 250,000 views and triggered a lively debate among netizens over @yantheboo’s assertions about Singapore.

Many seem to take offense at her claim that Amsterdam was safer than Singapore, where they opined that she was delusional, with some even accusing her of white worship.

'too many perverts here' — sg woman says she moved to amsterdam as she felt unsafe comment 1
Screenshot via TikTok/@yantheboo
'too many perverts here' — sg woman says she moved to amsterdam as she felt unsafe comment 2
Screenshot via TikTok/@yantheboo
'too many perverts here' — sg woman says she moved to amsterdam as she felt unsafe comment 3
Screenshot via TikTok/@yantheboo

On the other hand, some supported @yantheboo’s decision to migrate, adding that not every person would have a positive experience in Singapore.

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'too many perverts here' — sg woman says she moved to amsterdam as she felt unsafe comment 4
Screenshot via TikTok/@yantheboo
'too many perverts here' — sg woman says she moved to amsterdam as she felt unsafe comment 5
Screenshot via TikTok/@yantheboo

What do you think of the TikToker’s opinions? Share with us in the comments!


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