
SG Man Infects Wife With HIV, Persuades Her To Sell Own Body To Earn Extra Money

He was jailed for 20 months.
A man in Singapore found himself thrown into jail after he was found guilty of prostituting his girlfriend-turned-wife to other men as well as offering her sexual services via Telegram.

To make matters worse, he had even knowingly passed the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to her, a disease that is 100% fatal and incurable.

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SG man infects wife with HIV, convinces her to do sex work

According to CNA, the man first told the woman of his HIV infection when they began dating in 2014.

Hiv test
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

At the time, both of them were living together and had their own jobs. However, they didn’t earn enough to pay the rent.

In a bid to earn extra money to cover their expenses, the man convinced his girlfriend to prostitute herself. At first, she was opposed to the idea but eventually relented.

Thus, from 2014 to 2018, the woman began offering sexual services to men in the Geylang area, where the man would escort ‘customers’ and his girlfriend to a hotel and wait outside until everything was completed.

He also instructed his girlfriend to contact him if she faced any trouble and set rates of S$70 to S$90 (approx. RM243 to RM312), depending on the type of sexual service provided.

Singapore dollars
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Tested positive for HIV

In September 2017, the woman was admitted to the hospital and discovered that she had been infected with HIV.

Despite the diagnosis, she continued to provide sexual favours and was told by the man not to disclose her HIV status for fear that it would affect their business.

Shockingly, the woman agreed to it despite knowing the risks of passing HIV to others and failed to adhere to her antiretroviral treatment (ART) from February 2018 to May 2018.

She later got pregnant and stopped prostituting herself. In July 2018, she married the man, gave birth to her child and resumed her sex work.

Pregnant woman holding her stomach
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Advertised wife on Telegram

With now a child in the picture, the man pressured his now-wife to resume her sexual services in order to provide for the baby. Though she tried to resist, it proved to be futile.

The man then turned to the Telegram app to scour for potential ‘customers’, where he would advertise his wife’s illicit services as well as arrange appointments and inform ‘customers’ of the rates.

The services were mostly provided in hotels or the living room of the couple’s own home, where there were times where their child was asleep in the house.

Man using telegram app
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Throughout this period, the couple didn’t disclose the woman’s HIV status and gave condoms for clients to use. However, there were some who didn’t use protection.

Man jailed for 20 months

In December 2020, the woman moved out from the house due to “household problems” but still continued to do sex work.

On Mar 15, 2022, the man sent his wife a text regarding a customer but she refused to be involved as she wanted to stop providing sexual services.

She also told him that her father was aware of the situation, prompting the man to tell her to block her father and delete his number.

A police report was later lodged by the woman, leading police to discover that the man had reached out to at least 12 interested customers on Telegram between December 2021 and March 2022.

Singapore state court
Photo via CNA

In court, the man pleaded guilty to four charges under the Woman’s Charter and was jailed for 20 months.

However, it’s not known whether his wife would face the same fate for her role in the matter.


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